Profile PictureNadja Eriksson

Hi, I'm Nadja. I'm a mystical brand strategist, copywriter, and story mentor in the transformational industry. Blending story, strategy, and spirituality, I help conscious leaders scale their business, so they can get paid to serve Love. Through my work with hundreds of clients, I've seen first-hand that Tantric Brand Storytelling is pure magic for making people feel connected to you, share your message, and join your programs. Before becoming a marketer, I served as a tantric sex & relationship coach. But then, a powerful plant medicine journey guided me towards helping other entrepreneurs with their marketing instead. I support bright humans in service to Love because I believe remembering the Divine is the only way to create heaven on Earth.

Copy Course: How to Write Words That Read like Rumi but Seduce (And Sell) Like Don Draper

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Embodied Love: A Self-Love Course for Conscious Entrepreneurs

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